Concert  & Event Booking:   

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             See you soon in Istanbul  Harbiye Open Air ! Trio & Ramiz-Han !

Premiere ! Duo on 2 Grandpianos - Mother & Son.

10 May - Izmir AKM, Yunus Emre Salon.


10 March - Moscow Svetlanov Hall, solo/duo with Ramiz-Han,   

30 April  - Baku Heydar Aliyev Palace, Solo/duo with Ramiz-Han, International Jazz Day

10 Mai-Izmir AKM Yunus Emre Salonu, Duo with Ramiz-Han on 2 Grandpianos, Premiere 

31 May - Antalya Akra Jazz Festival,

Trio & Ramiz-Han.

 25 July - Istanbul, Harbiye Open Air,

Trio & Ramiz-Han 

2 November - Kassel, Anthroposophisches Zentrum, Trio & Ramiz-Han

Composed by Ramiz-Han (1, 2, 3, 4,), Vagif Mustafa-Zadeh (10, 11, 12),

Aziza Mustafa-Zadeh (5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Thanks  to  everyone  involved !

THE IDEA  of creating the "Generations" project came to me a couple years ago. My Trio had already performed compostions by my Father, Vagif Mustafa-Zadeh, the legendary founder of Mugam-Jazz (1940-1979). Playing his Music, keeping it alive, is not only something I feel responsible for, it is also very emotional, as it connects me with clear memories of my childhood. It was a shock for us all, when he died so young.

My Mother Eliza has always said that I have Father's sound. While recording Concert No 2, I went back to Vagif's time in my magination, and tried to capture his spirit. In general, the process has been really intense for me.

ONE FINE DAY, my Son Ramiz-Han (at that time 3 years old) began to hum a tune. I wrote it down, and we found harmonies together. Sometime later a new tune was born ... and so on.

The first time I performed Ramms-Han' s music in Italy, the audience was impressed, and I decided to include it to our Trio's repetoire. Since then, we have performed pieces by 3 Generations. And we are not going to limit ourselves to just one CD.

OUR TRIO. Working as a Trio together with my colleagues and friends Ralph Getto and Simon Zimbardo, rehearsals started in 2008. In the same year, December 19, on my birthday, we had a premiere in Baku! Concerts and festivals in Germany, Austria, England, Switzerland (Montreux), Turkey, Spain and other countries then followed. When people asked me when we would release a new CD, I was never able to give a specific answer. And now, after 12 years, we have finally recorded our first CD. With a new palette of colors, feelings, life experience, an unexpected turn of fate. Sometimes with overwhelming emotions... Despite all that has gone before.

On the current CD, we have included 4 of my son's songs, 5 of my fathers compositions.

Aziza Mustafa-Zadeh born in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan. Yet despite a mysterious name that could be straight out of Arabian Nights, this pianist  & singer does not regard herself as the exotic product of a distant land. Since she was born, music has been an integral part of her life. Aziza's Father - Vagif Mustafa-Zadeh  is a legendary founder of Mugam-Jazz, composer & pianist, who played an important role in making Jazz acceptable in Sovjet Union. Her Mother Eliza Mustafa-Zadeh is a trained and famous singer of traditional Azerbaijani music, and has rarely left her daughter's side during the constant rise of fame within last decade. Aziza Mustafa-Zadeh's music is the natural, easy fusion of two fundamental elements: JAZZ, the modern sound of freedom, and MUGAM, the ancient music of wisdom and love.

" The Rainbow has many colours. The Soul, too, has many different shades." Unquestionably, these words can applied equally well to the Artist herself, and to the Way she views the world around her.

Baku, at home, 1974

Baku, at home, 1970

New York, 1995